- Everybody
- 30 min
What you need:
Coloured paper, portrait format, from 80 g, Faber-Castell pencil Castell 9000 HB, Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pen B ink pen, in black, Ruler, Eraser
Step 1
First draw a sketch with a ruler and pencil. Feel free to let the letters ‘dance’ a little on the guide lines.
Step 2
Trace around the lines of the letters running from top to bottom with a slight offset. This creates the faux calligraphy.
Step 3
Trace around the letters with the Pitt Artist Pen B without applying pressure on the tip. Then draw in the dotted lines for the tear-off stub.
Step 4
Now fill the resulting areas with the Pitt Artist Pen B. Then fill in the voucher. Finished!